Well 5 days of storms in a row stirring up toxins is beyond my tolerance. Wesley had 2 days in a row of stabbing ear pain that kept him from sleeping and I was losing tolerance to food and indoor mold again. This was a very bad deal in combination with a hotel that has some mold. The last day of rain, I pulled the I’m too beat up to stay card so we left and went up to the Panhandle of FL to check the emerald coast. We checked air around 3 hotels in the town we wanted to stay in and 3 rooms in one of the hotels, but everything was beyond tolerance after sliding that far down the power curve so we went onto Pensacola. We checked a hotel there we thought would work, but they were sold out so we decided to go check the hotel we thought was awesome when we first came into FL and it was awful after we learned the more subtle feel of MT (mystery toxin). Oh my goodness! No wonder I felt knifing ear pain there! We made it to Plan E in a tiny pocket of tolerable air in eastern suburbs of Mobile before we stopped for the night after 9 hours of driving.
We knew it wasn’t good enough to stay another day so we set off and decided to stay in a southern MS hotel. I was pissed off by the time we went to bed so we knew we needed to move the next day. Yesterday we drove north and found a hotel that was surrounded by MT, but seemed ok. I wanted better air so we decided to drive another 1.5 hours north to check another option, which was worse so we came back to the hotel in the island of good.
We learned a valuable lesson last night: the Drury Inn has this thing called Kickback- dinner buffet and 3 drinks/person. Seriously, what have we been missing?! I saw the pictures of food on the google listings, but assumed that was in a restaurant, not included in the cost of a room. I was already laughing and in a better mood before bed and woke up rested at 6:00am. Can I just remind you that I don’t wake up at 6am? And to be rested at 6! Wow! Add in 3 shots worth of tequila last night, which hasn’t felt great the next day the times we’ve gotten margs since starting mold avoidance. This morning we got up, ate hot breakfast, included in the cost of the room, did a 20 min elliptical workout, and hit the hot tub. Drury is the home of the indoor/outdoor pool, and almost always have a hot tub. My tolerance to indoor mold has drastically improved since last night. I think we’ll stay! The severe storms start tonight and end midday tomorrow. I think we’ll drive over to a city an hour away to get a Plan B and C established in case the air here goes sideways during the storm.