Note: This post was moved from my personal blog, to Laura and I’s blog.
Some people start on day 1, I’m starting on Day 2. “Why?” you ask. Quite simply, I was an emotional mess on day 1 and not in the right mental place to make a post, particularly the first post of a great adventure. Yesterday, my introverted self needed quiet, prayer, and time to heal mentally after some very hard decisions. Today, I’m ready to start chronicling our great adventure, so come with me let’s see what adventures we encounter and who we meet.
Welcome friends! A little bit about me for those of you who don’t know me, I’m a 26 year old computer nerd who has worked a “normal” job up until about a week ago. Up until that time, I planned to continue working a “normal” job for the rest of my career, but that all changed in the last two weeks, but first a little back story.
Early this month, my wife an I took a trip out to Montana and Idaho. We enjoyed camping, hiking, riding, and paddling. It was fun to get away into the middle of nowhere and just enjoy nature and lazy mornings.
My wife and I both struggle with health reactions to water damaged buildings. All the details are a complex topic and there is more to it then that, but it is a good simplification for the purposes of this post.
So not only was the vacation time relaxing for us, my wife, Laura, and I felt better in the great western outdoors then we had in Iowa and we weren’t doing any of our normal things to keep ourselves healthy (supplements, medications, saunaing, etc.). On returning to Iowa, we both began to experience health issues. Mine were minor, and faded to a manageable level as long as I avoid water damaged buildings. Laura’s increased as we have stayed in the state. I’ll go into more of what we have experienced in future articles.
Since we found health issues increasing and worse than pre-vacation, we took some time to pray and ponder the future. Laura introduced me to the concept of mold avoidance camping. It is essentially RVing, but for the purpose of avoiding toxins that your body is sensitive to. After assessing our situation and options, we decided to pursue mold avoidance camping.
With the decision made we are now at the very beginning of the adventure. Yesterday, I told my ex-“employer to be” that I will not be starting, and Laura told some of her friends and family. Today I start in earnest to get rid of all the possessions we have so we can have a clean start out in the great west and I get to tell my friends and family about our great adventure. Like many other adventures before, this adventure begins at home, on my couch.
Editor’s Note: This article’s publishing was delayed so I had time to tell my friends and family in person and Laura has time to tell her patients.