Sorry about never getting a post done last night. Wesley had cool pictures from the walk he went on while he was at the ranch and I was in Alamogordo running errands. I forgot to leave the computer here for him so I pretty much left him with nothing to do all day. I got all the stuff we needed in order to sleep on cots and to build our cloths line. The rancher allowed us to borrow a post hole digger, which is awesome. It didn’t seem like it should take from 10 to 4 to run a couple errands, but I guess with an hour and 20 minute drive, it turns out that way. It might be closer to an hour and a half actually because of the road construction. While I was at Walmart I splurged on a half gallon of whole milk and a ginormous bag of fruity pebble‘s. Last night I tried warming the milk up on the stove and put in the fruity pebble‘s in to have a warm dessert, and it was phenomenal. I re-learned that if you don’t rinse the fruity pebble‘s off the inside of your mug, it’s like trying to remove concrete the next day.

This morning we had our first pancakes today since we started camping. They were really good. We like the Birch benders Paleo pancake mix with some Craisins mixed in. We’ve had all the stuff to do this for about a week, but I finally just got around to making them this morning. In the cast iron set that we bought, there was a flat skillet and one side looks kind of like a grill in the other side is flat (up until today it’s never been used for anything but a lid). I made pancakes and that it was surprised how easy they were to make compared to making them back in Iowa in a kitchen.
I got our outfitter tent ordered this morning. They thought it would be 3 to 4 weeks before they were done making it. That would be so wonderful if it came that soon. The cool part is shipping from Colorado to here is only two days.

Today’s project was building the clothesline. That might not sound like such a terribly hard job, but it is! We had a post hole digger that we borrowed and we started digging to find a lot of rocks. The first post I got about 28 inches into the ground, and between Wes and I the second post only went in 22 inches, and that was after abandoning two other attempts because we couldn’t get them past 15 inches. Hopefully it’s enough to keep it upright during high wind. I called my dad and he thought the 22 inches should be enough, and dads are always right so we should be good, right? I did learn a valuable lesson about your pilot holes being big enough. The cheap drill that I bought was not strong enough to drive the screws into the hole that was a little too small. So the posts are in, the cross beams are cut, and the eyelets are even on one of them to hold the string, but we’ll need to get a different drill bit tomorrow if we want to finish this tomorrow. I’m sure Wesley would love to have this finished tomorrow because then I’ll start doing laundry again. I don’t want to go to Alamogordo quite bad enough to do that so we might run over to a nearby town and see if their hardware store has some drill bits.