This morning I felt pretty good, but my response to Wesley getting me too much cereal was way out of proportion so I knew better than to push today bc there was definite concussion hot headedness present. We were out of T-shirts so we went to Walmart. After that we decided to explore a bit and drive around town. We also got our half off Sonic blast. We went back to the hotel and found a new room. After that we went to the Ford dealer to get a new key.
We had a somewhat unbelievable experience with Best Buy Geek Squad today. Wesley has drowned two phones in the past 2 weeks. He decided to get a Walmart phone instead of spending the $199 to get his old phone replaced. Unfortunately after getting slammed in northern TX, he forgot his new phone in his pocket, walked into the hot tub, and killed it. He decided that a pixel would be better in case there was another water incident so he got the replacement phone. The guy missed a vital part of his job and forgot to verify the shipping address before doing the claim so he was supposed to have someone call to fix it, but instead Wesley got an email that it shipped to North Liberty. For real?? They seemed to think we should call UPS to fix the fact that the first guy did his job incorrectly. Generally me getting frustrated on a call that goes sideways like this with a concussion goes really badly. I was firm but didn’t freak out. This further proves that this concussion is super mild. We paid $199 for a refurbished phone that they attempted to change the shipping address with UPS. It might end up here or North Liberty. If you work with Geek Squad, 100% go in the store, don’t call the 800 number.
We went on a walk this afternoon. As long as I didn’t push too fast, I didn’t get a headache. I got to talk to Adriene today while we were hot tubbing and zoomed with Daniel because I forgot we didn’t have Community Group bc it was potluck week. We often zoom with Daniel on pot luck well bc he’s unable to attend potluck nights either.