Thankfully there were two days between the ice storm and the snow storm. We explored Norman and Wichita Falls scoping out potential hotels in Wichita Falls and checking the outside air at one in Norman we haven’t stayed at yet pre-storm. There is such anxiety in the hearts of the people down here about the snow and ice. They are not used to driving on it and the clearance of it isn’t missing, but it’s not adequate either. It’s just safer to stay in even though these full days at the hotel are dreadfully boring. I told Wesley this morning that I should be really grateful of boring days because there are so many people doing mold avoidance who don’t have enough energy to be bored. Can you tell we’ve been listening to Anne of Green Gables? Dreadfully isn’t a typical adjective for me.

The snow started yesterday, and continued into the night. It was blowing, blizzard like snow. Poor Anna ended up having to work a double shift because the night shift person didn’t show up. Thankfully she could stay here at the hotel and didn’t have to try to drive home in the snow after working a double. Mide is doing the same thing tonight.

When we’re in the hotel all day like this, we tend to spend more time in the pool and hot tub. Simcha suggests that we should put lots of lotion on to keep mold toxins off of our skin when we’re out and about, but it helps keep the chemicals from the hot tub and pool from irritating your skin so bad as well. Tonight Wesley and I played my favorite workout game except for racquetball, which is my favorite. There’s a Bosu ball in the hotel gym and medicine balls. This game is much more fun when there’s two Bosu balls, but there’s only one. I made this game up when I was in chiropractic school and basically it was a core workout where you tried to bean the other person off their BOSU ball with a medicine ball. I had Wesley stand on the ground and pass the medicine ball to me while standing on the ball side of the BOSU, and then I asked him if he wanted to turn, which I don’t think he really did but did it anyway. He was doing pretty good and not too aggressive with his throws (the girl I used to play this with and I were ruthless and threw as hard as we could and not straight on so we’d knock the other person off balance and win), so I decided to kneel on an exercise ball and he stood on the Bosu ball, and we passed the 6 pound medicine ball back-and-forth. It’s for sure harder on the exercise ball. I did some swimming today too. I love swimming.

Snow storm #2 is supposed to come tomorrow. It’s supposed to be clear in the morning and start snowing in the afternoon with another 4-8” of accumulation possible. Maybe we can get out in the morning for a short while. The manager had a bulldozer come clear the parking lot today and threw out kitty litter for traction. When the weather is bad, you see more of the people in the hotel bc no one goes out. We talked to the guy here from Alberta. He’s used to even more snow than us and can’t get a thing done. He’s been from OK to CO, they wanted him to go to TX (but it’s worse there-snow on ice), and bc that’s not possible to see if he can fly back to Canada and get a new machine and fly back here. Corporate in a snow laden area would never understand the American south under the influence of snow and cold. ?
Hahaha that bingo card is hilarious! I’m so glad you guys are doing okay during this crazy weather!
We were so blessed to be in a hotel that never lost power. They were very slim staffed a few days, but we were very comfortable