Is it crazy that a hotel becomes home? We’ve been here so long and Angela assures me that we’re family and that can’t be undone. Angel got a manager of the year award trophy today and came in with huge smiles greeting us back. Ana was at the front desk with a great big smile welcoming us back. Yup, for being temporarily without a home, it feels like home.
Here’s the crazy ending to the story from the last blog: I rolled over at about 11:30 at night and quickly rolled back to vomit into the garbage can I’d brought to bed with me. I immediately felt a ton better. I slept well through the night, and felt perfectly fine the next day. Note to self, just get puking done ASAP next time, no need to wreck a day being nauseous. We went back to a town we’d stayed a few weeks ago. We both woke up at the grand ole you’ve been molded hour of 3am. Interestingly a shower allowed us to get back to sleep. That’s a good potential remedy to keep in mind fellow avoiders if you wake up slammed in the night. We drove to Enid and checked two hotels. It’s so hard to find rooms in a Hilton these COVID days because of their sealed room policy. The hotel we were most interested in didn’t have any rooms available to show us because it wasn’t even 1:00 yet, so we decided to drive to Stillwater and check there. We found a hotel we thought might work, but the pool was closed so I suggested going to Owasso to check a hotel there. We drove around the north side of Stillwater and the west wind tried to kill me on the east side of town. I was afraid the wind would change in the night and whatever was so bad might blow on the hotel. As we drove east the badness changed and I was afraid we were entering into the near Tulsa Cyano so we decided to go back to the hotel in Enid. By this time either the wind changed our I got knocked down too far in Stillwater so Enid felt bad. In the end, we ended up where we started. Today we were going to try a place in Norman, but when I called the hotel the lady informed me that they did have water (we’d been told the Comfort Inn next door has been out bc of the storm) but that the pool and hot tub are closed. So, we decided to just head back to our homebase hotel and stay here. We got a room on the different floor from the guy who slammed me before we left, and we will just take the stairs instead of using the elevator and minimize our time in the common areas. The huge advantage we have now is that it’s super nice outside. It got up to 77° here today.
We finally got the job done of taking everything out of the topper area of our truck and washing the individual totes and washing the inside of the truck bed and the inside of the topper. Then we put everything back in the back of the truck, drove back to the hotel, and took everything back out so it could dry thoroughly. We sat down at our folding table with our folding chairs and ate dinner in the parking lot tonight red neck style.

Then I decided I should cut Wesley’s hair while we were waiting for everything to dry. The nice thing about cutting hair outside in the parking lot is you don’t have to worry about cleanup. I only got his beard (not mustache) done when a guy came over and parked near us and just looked at us inquisitively and asked if we were having a parking lot sale. ? I told him no, that it’s just all of our earthly possessions right now, and his eyes got real big. He asked if it was because of the weather and we told them our mold story, and I do believe God crossed our paths with another moldy to help him figure out why he walks around feeling like he’s drunk all the time. He told me his story of the moldy rental house that there black mold all over the wall behind the dressers and clothes when they moved out. He’s been told mold by a functional medicine practitioner, but thus far, nothing has helped. A side note bonus is he asked if I was in my 20’s. He was impressed with my ability to have conversation after all the 20 somethings he works with can’t seem to do it. Ana thought I was about 30 too. I tend to think my skin has aged enough from the sun to look my age, but I’ve never acted it. I’ll just keep counting this a win. ?

We are finishing up the end of our day in the hot tub and pool once again. I believe that they’re an absolute huge amount of toxins coming out of my body because the hot tub is unfortunately smelling like a sweaty T-shirt again. ?