Our return back home has gone well. I deep cleaned the house, we got some radiator style space heaters that have done a great job heating the house, and have replaced some things that were spreading contamination. We’re now in the midst of Winter Storm Landon and praise God, we have not lost power and have been able to stay home! I had a hotel reservation in case, but was able to cancel that. It’s chilly in here, but tolerable for sure! Wesley’s office and our bedroom share a heater so when he moved it to his office and closed the bedroom door this morning I slept awesome. I sleep so much better when it’s cold. Last night I actually slept just under a sheet much of the night bc I was overheating. Good grief! Poor Wesley doesn’t run super hot like me so he’s pretty much always cold. I hang out in a t-shirt and leggings and he’s in sweats and a hoodie with the hood pulled up most of the time. He recently got himself a new set of headphones that are over the ear style so the hood stays down more now. It started snowing around 3:00 yesterday and I think it largely stopped overnight, but has been snowing and blowing all day. I might have to suck up leaving home tomorrow to get some milk. My emergency food hoarding skills apparently need more developing. ? The downfall is we’re in Oklahoma where people don’t know how to drive in bad weather and I’m super prepared with a pair of flip flops that’s been adequate all winter thus far. I’ll get it figured out tomorrow.

Wesley has been super busy with work deadlines. He has an email migration tonight so he’s got a long day ahead of him. He planned to have all of his projects finishing up this month and just doing very limited support work for 4-6 weeks after the baby is born. We’ll see how the timing of all the moving parts goes. My midwife says the baby’s head is engaged in my pelvis. She says it should be harder for the baby to change position, but I felt it very well the day it decided to turn back OP. The little stinker! Hopefully it will decide to turn back. I promise to let y’all know when the baby is born, don’t ask as we get to the end. I know it’s super tempting, but when you get the urge, stop and pray instead. I’m in a great head space about the birth and waiting on the baby’s timing and don’t want questions to rock that.

We decided to go shopping on Sunday. Wesley declared he wanted Chik-Fil-A to which I responded, it’s Sunday, but we could get Rib Crib. We went in around 3:45, which was perfectly slow. At the end of our dinner, a group of three came in and were seated at the table next to us. I had my immediate vax slammer reaction. I told Wesley to give the waitress our card so we could leave and we got out of there ASAP. Next we went to Aldi and Wesley went straight to the bathroom while I shopped and then I went to the bathroom. One unusual concussion symptoms I get that most don’t, I call cold shock where no matter how hot or ridiculous me being cold is, I’m freezing cold and shiver with chattering teeth. This is really pronounced when it happens on a 90 degree day in Iowa and your hot car with the windows up in full sun won’t take the edge of it. The last time I remember that happening was the last fall off my horse back in 2013, but those people at Rib Crib were so immensely toxic to me that I cold shocked while at Aldi. It was nearly 70 out so it made zero sense. We’ve killed a decent amount of bedding and clothing since then and both had diarrhea all day Monday. Whew, I sure hope not to repeat that one. I’m not sure what horrid toxic combo was on those people, but it makes me wonder how sick they are. In my brain, I’d love to help someone like that yet know I couldn’t unless it were all virtual. There was a guy in Duncan last Feb, I reacted to violently too. I think I wrote them a letter if they were interested in learning more, but never heard back. He was in a wheel chair, and on my worst days he went catatonic and couldn’t talk so the health issues were there.
The really bad season for mold avoiders we call a few different things: November effect, MT season, and suicide season. The exact timing varies, but generally encompasses Nov-Feb though it starts earlier and lasts longer farther north. There’s been lots of pondering in our community that the SE might hit it in summer instead of winter. I’m interested to see how things change with spring here. In Iowa, spring was my worst season and winter was the only good one. When I lived in Coralville, where we suspect there was a decent amount of mystery toxin, I had a hard time getting motivated to do anything I loved to do like walking across the street to xc ski in the park. That pattern fits more. There’s lots of talk of seasonal affective disorder or winter blues, but I wonder how many of those people are in MT season and that’s the cause of their depression due to the neurotoxicity and subsequent inflammation that causes the classic triad of fatigue, depression, and brain fog. I know I had a decent number of patients in Iowa, esp in Coralville who got headaches or migraines with the storm systems that their trigger was likely mystery toxin or mold toxins that got more aggravated with the storm systems.
Thanks for sharing pictures. Exciting times are getting close! I think of you often and pray all goes well!
Thanks Kathy!