I’ve decided I don’t think I like storms anymore. They really create some additional challenges physically for us beyond just the storm itself. I’ve been having a rough time trying to figure out what I’m reacting to since we got here, but I didn’t think it was the location. Today was good confirmation of that so we will walk on, and hopefully figure out all the things that are irritating my body. It’s a lovely thing to have a mentor who understands storms, the effects they have on mold avoidance, faces this practically so we can learn to live with it instead of running from it, and talks me down instead suggesting I’m just in a bad area should move. I appreciate that his stance is always been to stay and stick it out versus run to the next area like some people do. It’s important to develop the skills to deal with names so we can live.

While we were at Walmart it must’ve blown really hard, because our tent wasn’t quite right when we got home. The good news is that we just had to bend a couple poles back and it was back to normal. The coming storm is supposed to be one with high wind so I’m hoping it’ll not cave-in like that in the middle of the night especially because I sleep on that side of the bed.

I think tomorrow is going to be a shower day for both of us and a haircut day for Wesley. I haven’t cut his hair or beard for over five weeks now, and I think this picture will demonstrate how much he needs a haircut. ? Neither of us have had a shower for 2.5 weeks, and I’m thinking the daily wash ups could be subbed out for a real shower and we can throw out all of our trash if we pay $5 at the campground a few miles down the road. I want to hike up there at some point through the lava fields.

We ended up retiring blankets and a sleeping bag today so we tried a different Walmart to replace them. Unfortunately, they didn’t have the blankets we wanted so we got eight throws instead and we’ll see how they do tonight. The cold night is Monday night so we can get something different by then if needed. Here’s to hoping my unicorns and rainbows keep me warm. The air mattress has less air loss this morning, but not holding perfectly. It was just softer than desired by morning. Wes tried patching it again, but I think we have the same problem already. We’ll see.