I’ve taken way too many mold hits in the last few days to tolerate another. Wesley went to town to get things we needed and I stayed at the ranch. I walked the road around the pasture that we live in- a 6 mile loop including walking down into the arroyo. After that I sat in the most guarded spot from the wind and read a bit more of Ana Harris‘s blog. I feel like we might be in a similar place as she was when she was writing about needing to replace all of their clothing and bedding once a month. We’re at about three weeks since we replaced a bunch of our stuff. I tested my shorts that I was bringing to change into after my shower, and they don’t seem good anymore either so I’m going to to get rid of those now too. We already have three garbage bags of stuff that we’re going to get rid of. We’ve got four fleece blankets, a cold-weather sleeping bag, two towels, and now a pair of shorts to toss in there. Margaret at the restaurant that helped us find the rancher said that she would love for us to bring that up to the restaurant because she could think of some people who could use it. It makes me happy that it could go to somebody who will get good use out of it. Just bc they won’t work for really sensitive mold avoiders doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be a blessing to someone else.

We went to the nearby campground for our first actual shower since we left Albuquerque about 3 weeks ago. It wasn’t quite as refreshing as I’d hoped, but nice. I felt like used a ridiculous amount of shampoo. Wesley came out of his shower super refreshed, which is great! After that we headed back to camp to do storm prep.

Wesley got a bunch of stuff while he was in Alamogordo to get us ready for the storm and replace bedding that we had gotten rid of. He tarped our tent and some of the laundry things and put a bunch of things into the back of the truck so they wouldn’t blow around in the 40 to 50 mile an hour winds that are being predicted. Our campsite looks about the best it has since we got here as far as being picked up and organized, but it won’t be very useful that way. With high winds, I should be able to get laundry done pretty quickly tomorrow because it should dry really fast.