Sorry I haven’t written anything for a couple days. Our life has gotten into a pattern and there hasn’t been much variation from it so there wasn’t really anything interesting to write about.

Our normal day looks like we wake up and it’s freezing out so we lay in bed for a while and then eventually get up and moving. Wesley spends some time on the computer in the morning while I get breakfast going and do the morning laundry. Sometimes I have to go get water to do that and some other times I can wait, but if I get water in the morning, the sun warms the water up throughout the day and it’s not as cold to decontaminate with later in the day when we get back. After breakfast, dishes, and morning laundry are all done, we usually go for a drive to perceive different toxins in the air. Once we get home we decontaminate, I do the afternoon laundry, and then cook dinner and do the dishes. The last two nights we’ve gone for a walk after dinner. That always ends up in the moonlight. I love doing things by moonlight. One of my favorite things I used to do is ride my horse outside by moonlight. He could always see everything because the moon is so bright, and God has often challenged me to be like the moon and reflect His light into this dark world. Tonight there were all kinds of random lights in the sky. I don’t know what they are, but I’ve seen the one before. When you live this close to an Air Force Base I guess you never exactly know what you’ve got going on in the sky. We live over the mountain from the north part of the white sands missile range. Last night we went to bed and there was the sound of planes, helicopters, and machine guns. There was quite the racket but I fell asleep no problem.

Jim has been working on a leak up by the big water tank in the pasture we live in. He put in a faucet for us while he was up there. I got a bucket of water out of the big tank today to test to be sure there’s no cyano in it. We react so badly to cyano that it’s not worth washing clothes in it if it has it. It’s not completely closed off to the outside and there’s an awful lot of cyano the dust so I’m just being cautious.

I talked to my mom again yesterday. She is feeling better after having Covid, but grandpa has it too and is really tried. He’s 92 and has been sleeping a lot. She’s been able to stay with him to help him.
Laura, you should post a pic with a pin dropped on a satellite map view of where you are, north of that middle range. I’d love to see exactly where “homestead” is for you. Beautiful country down there. I haven’t been since the 80s. ?
* missile range
You two are the “pioneer couple” of the year!! What a hard life! Makes me appreciate what conveniences I have.
Sorry to hear about your Grandpa John. Hope his case doesn’t get too severe. Aunt Pam tested positive yesterday and she’s in the hospital. Another devastating development for their family. I’m sure they appreciate your prayers.
Oh no!!!!! Poor Pam! Their family is going through a really tough season. Grandpa has been symptomatic for about two weeks now so he made it past day 12. That’s what the NP I took care of said was the cut off of people who ended up in the hospital vs making it at home. Mom’s bouncing back, but was massively fatigued a few days ago too hopefully everyone keeps moving in the right direction.