Well last night didn’t go as well as we’d hoped. Surprise! The room seemed ok when we checked it, but when we came back from hot tubbing (that cleared all the brain fog and neurological sensations out), we knew we were in for an interesting night at best. We should’ve left and didn’t. We’ll learn.
Wesley was ok, but not great this morning until we went down to hot tub and then he didn’t feel good anymore. I was off, but not as bad as yesterday before hot tubbing. We got dressed and headed out. We started heading East to Oklahoma City and decided to turn around bc I was getting all my weird neurological sensations again. I suggested heading up to Woodward, but turned around bc the oil pumping things everywhere along the way were really wrecking me.
Wesley’s phone bit the dust so we’re hoping the Best Buy service/protection plan might cover it. My phone charger only charges when it wants to. There’s one in the back of the truck, but it’s pretty much toxic waste at this point. We stopped at Loves and I got a new one along with a coffee cup, a spork, a small bottle of milk and 2 bananas so I could eat some fruity pebbles for breakfast. While outside, I realized how much better outside was than the truck so we pulled over to the hotel across the road and I cleaned the truck while Wesley wandered around outside. I got destroyed neurologically, but Wesley started to perk back up, which was really great. I rinse my hair, face, and arms and got a new T-shirt and was better than while cleaning.
We went to the Walmart in Elk City and got some new things and made some returns. We failed to find the car wash, the hotels there had all closed their pools, which was weird being the TX and OK hotels we’ve been at had open pools. The one from last night didn’t even have sign ups to use it.
We drove to Yukon, OK and felt awful so we’re heading back west. The places that seemed ok or low level crappy feel unbearable now. It’s been such an epic fail trying to find something that we’re back in Texas. I suppose we’re going have to just suck it up and stay somewhere in Amarillo again to guarantee we start another terrible day tomorrow. I hate my life and mold avoidance. This post had so much more hope until everything we’ve tried has been a waste of effort, gas, and money. At least we both didn’t hit the I hate my life and want to die place at the same time today. I guess there’s A plus to today.