Thankfully we found a good place to stay last night, showered, ate, and got a good night’s sleep. This morning we woke up feeling good so we ate leftovers from our breakfast for dinner from last night. We got up too late for hot breakfast the hotel served, but hopefully tomorrow! Next was hot tub time that we missed last night bc we didn’t get here until 10pm. We hot tubbed and did some aqua aerobics intervals in the pool. That serious exercise when you get me leading it. Wesley was dying. We got out around 10:40 so we had time to evaluate how bad we wrecked our room last night. It seemed per good so I extended our stay.

Next we went out exploring. The first step was Best Buy to see what could be done about Wesley’s phone. The catch was a $199 fee and the tendency to kill things during mold avoidance so I think we’re going to order an adequate, but not as nice phone through visible for $79.

Next we drove the bypass circle around Amarillo. About 3/4 of the way through, I started noticing what seemed like primary vs secondary toxins. We did a second round and found that there were only 3 out 4 spots bad enough that it seemed like we needed to stop and decontaminate. Airports and jails seem to create their own special kryptonite. Next we took I-40 back and forth through the city and noticed a similar trend of fewer areas of bad toxins vs annoyance toxins. We think anyways. Next we washed the truck exterior, which helped immensely, and stopped at Walmart to get our lunch of champions: Red Hot Limon Doritos and pineapple kombucha along with a case of water. We got into mold at Walmart so we went outside and decontaminated. We continued out I-40 drive, but different areas started showing up so bc Bryan said MT was worse downtown, we drove down there to get a feel of the MT so we can learn how we feel in MT. It was pretty awful, but it helped delineate some symptoms we were experiencing. After that we came back to the hotel for more hot tub and pool time. Bc I sanded skin off the bottom of my great toe doing stationary sprints in the pool this morning, I stuck to laps tonight. We got some cabbage today to make scalloped cabbage and jalapeño cheddar brats for dinner.
Glad to hear you had a good night and a good day! Thinking of you!
I am just catching up on your posts from the week – wow you two are doing some amazing, hard things!!! I am getting very scared to go through this stage. Thank you so much for these posts, they are so helpful!