How’s that for a pretty amazing backdrop to just sitting and relaxing? This would’ve been incredibly not possible prior to mold avoidance because I had such severe sensory issues with sand. I absolutely hated sand felt on my hands and my feet, but now it doesn’t bother me anymore. This is one of the many ways that I have healed in the last eight months.

Yesterday morning I swam 1 hour 45 minutes for the first time. I kept a nice easy pace and it wasn’t even hard. Prior to that I think I’d swam 1 hour 30 minutes for my longest, but generally about an hour each day. Wesley does shorter swims bc that’s what fits in his life now that he’s working.

Since I last posted, I dropped my cell phone into the hot tub, and it got water damage. Thankfully my ins was just about to expire, not just expired. The process of getting a working phone has involved massive contamination and 2 tries on a new phone, but I have the new phone and as soon as I feel like getting epically slammed again, I’ll power the old one up and get signed out of my iCloud and reset it. Once I send the phone back, I’ll get reimbursed. Dealing with phone ins companies seems to be an act of torture, but I think I’m done babysitting that process through now. The great news is I’ve almost recovered from that terrible contamination too. A contaminated object I touch is so hard on me because my whole body has a fit. I think being a chiropractor so long has allowed me to develop this feel, which is amazing for shopping and a curse when the thing you’re touching feels bad.

Simcha and I have been doing some Facebook lives to help people have solid information about doing mold avoidance. There are so many voices out there who have many ideas that cost lots of money without good results. There are also so many people who if they tweaked a few things they’re doing, would get better results.

There were too many toxins at the hotel yesterday for my tolerance so I suggested we go to the beach for dinner. Wesley got a fish reuben (don’t worry, it didn’t have sauerkraut) and I tried fish tacos for the first time. They were really good and we were on the deck right by the ocean. That was cool. The only downfall is we didn’t really get away from the toxins bc the restaurant was by the pier entrance and I think the bathrooms were the problem.
Wow! Beautiful! I love the wildlife photos! Continuing to pray for you guys and so glad to hear about the Lord’s blessing in your life!