We’ve always heard, don’t go to Orlando so we didn’t until I wanted to go to Sorrento to check out a trail riding company with a job listing to see how the air felt. It was rough near Daytona as always and then got better in the NW Orlando suburbs. That was two weeks ago today. Since then we went to investigate The Villages and southern Deland area. We kept creeping farther south. We stayed a night in Orange City, but it didn’t feel good with the change of wind and rain so we only stayed one day before going to Orlando and exploring different areas. Our experience in Orlando has been similar to Pensacola. Good and bad pockets, but as long as we avoid the area around Universal Studios, it’s been good enough thus far. Last night I was talking with a lady from Atlanta while sitting in the hot tub and she offered me her 2 week passes to Sea World bc they were leaving today. That’s pretty cool. I might head over there today and see how the park feels.

Wesley just upgraded to a surface pro after his laptop got contaminated. He hasn’t worked as much as usual this past week because of that. He got his surface pro set up yesterday and is back at it today.
Friday I drove up to Green Cove Springs and finished getting out truck registered in FL and got my FL drivers license. My official drivers license address is our truck license plate number. FL has lots options for boaters and RVers for domicile, but they get confused by us hotel dwellers. If you decide to establish FL domicile. The best case scenario is to get your license plate number as your street address, not your mail forwarding address. I learned that from the guy at St. Brendan’s Isle. The only thing left to do is register to vote.
We went to an Ethiopian restaurant for dinner last night. They served the meat and veg on a fermented flatbread called injera. It’s made of teff flour. I got lamb and Wesley got beef. I really love lamb. I’m looking forward to going back because it was great food. It started raining really hard while we were eating and some badness blew in, but a tolerable amount to continue eating. There was a Publix in the same strip mall so we walked over to it to get some kombucha and ice cream. On the way we walked through a plume of badness that made me dizzy and disoriented. It was weird to walk in and 10’ later walk out of that plume.
I hope you are all having a blessed Sunday. It’s a lovely sunny day here today. I swam for 1 hour 10 minutes this morning. It felt good to just get a nice long swim in because travel days aren’t as conducive to getting adequate exercise.